15 September 2010

Noah And The Second Coming

I had a great devotions the other day!! Please read :)
I posted this on facebook as my stats~ We have to be like Noah. Noah didn't know when the storm was coming, but he still kept building his ark. We must do the same. "for ye know not what hour your the Lord doth come." but we must trust, listen, be patient, and wait. He will come, just like the rain came for Noah. 

It's so true though right? I was reading the beginning of Matthew ch. 25 and I realized that. We never know when Jesus is going to come back again, but we have to be ready. Noah never gave up, he continued to do what God had wanted him to do and when God sent the rain, Noah was prepared for it. God had the perfect timing, and plan. Noah's hard work  had paid off. God showed me that if we just listen to him, everything else will fall into place around us, that we can't loose sight of him. Imagine if Noah had told God "forget about it. It's too hot to build this ark, and water is never going to fall from the sky. I'm done." Just imagine how different things would be if he gave up and never finished that ark. When the water finally came from the sky, what would Noah have been thinking? He would have felt really bad. He would have been like "man, I should have finished that ark." But it was too late, he missed his chance, he would have had to face the consequences of not building the ark. That wouldn't have been good at all :( So I learned a valuable lesson today. We can't give up on God, we have to keep going. Even though it looks impossible, or we don't know what's going on. Even though it looks like the "water will never fall from the sky" or that Jesus will never come back, it will happen. We just have to be patient and wait and do what is right, and do what we feel God wants us to do. In the end when Jesus does come back, it will be worth it all, and there is a reason for everything that happens. Romans 8:28 says~ "And we know that all things work together for the good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose." Everyone is called btw, not just certain people. Anyone who wants to follow God will find that he has a plan for them, he hasn't left anyone out :)

Lol that post makes me feel like  a preacher :P I would need tweaking but eh, I never edit my blogs. You get "live" blogging here! But yeah. That is just a little something I learned from God today :) Hope it might have helped in some way, I just wanted it share it with people instead of keeping it all to myself.

09 September 2010


Okay so so far that ipod thing isn't working out too well, she can't find it. That's okay though because I think I am going to craigslist for one. Also in my keyboarding/computer/business skills/whatever it's called class we are creating business cards for our make-believe-businesses. I had the cutest one! However the teacher didn't like my design because it wasn't the original one I had designed. Basically I wasted half the class time. Oh well I got to see the cute card :) When I'm all done I'll post them up here and let you guys see which one you like better. I'll make a poll :D
I am so glad tomorrow is Friday!! My best friend is going to be spending the weekend with me! Maybe longer, who knows. Volleyball is even more fun now too! We have two nets set up so everyone is playing all the time instead of the one-team-sits-out-and-plays-winner thing we had going before.
I've been eating way too much lately and need to stop. Luckily my friend likes to go to the gym so that'll be something fun we can do together. I would like to join myself but I on't have a job. I am glad God gave me a treadmill though! Also there is a pathway not to far down the street that I can run on outside if I would like. Maybe soon I'll get m bike fixed, or I could just use my brothers.
Did I mention how glad I am tomorrow is Friday? Haha yay! Love the weekends, I totally have senioritus :P
I'll update you later!

07 September 2010

I'm Back!

Woah! Long time no see! Haha I get so caught up in other things. But I am back and am going to start blogging again!
And once again there is so much to update on! First I'll start with the wonderful things God has taken care of for me :D~

  • Free ipod
  • The last spot in Drivers Ed
  • Lost some weight
  • My brother has to do chores now
  • Having a great time with my best friend on the weekends!
  • etc..

Yes God has done even more than that but these things are just awsome to me!
Lets do a recap now. My classes are okay. 3rd period is my favorite, 2nd period comes in second place. It's volleyball which I look forward to every day! 3rd place is 1st period, and 4th and last place is 4th period. It's a computer class which I can hardly stand! Next quarter I am going to be in Drivers Ed during that period so Praise God!!!! I'll also be in a different 3rd period class though but I'll manage :)
With my online class I'm not doing so hot. I am turning in assignments little by little. Which is not too good. I really need to get on the ball here.
The melatonin is working great! Not so much when it comes to falling aslepp but I wake up and feel VERY refreshed.
Also my birthday has passed since I have last been on here and it was good :) My best friend got me the stuff that I have been wanting to get for college!! She is awsome!!! And my mum took me shopping for some new clothes yay! I think it's cool to finally have some clothes of my own that I picked out. Although I did get a fewer sizes to help motivate me in my weight loss. When it's down to that subject I have been eating less and eating healthier. Walking to the bust stop in the morning instead of getting a ride.
The things that have been harder to keep up with since school started is my devotions, and my treadmilling. But I will get those down better.
Still don't have a job :/ I honestly have given up hope on finding a job down here. I am leaving in December and it is already September, I feel like it is too late. I'll end up doing the Crown campus work program :P
Well thanks for keeping up with me :)